Training on improving academic writing skills was organized at Azerbaijan University

Training on improving academic writing skills  was organized at Azerbaijan University

01 april 2024

Baxış sayı: 425

The Department of Foreign Languages of Azerbaijan University organized a training to improve Academic Writing skills. 

In the training conducted by the Department lecturer Subi Ganbarova, general information about Academic Writing was given, and an essay and its types were discussed. The rules of writing an essay are explained and mainly the introductory part of the essay is highlighted. It was noted that since the introductory part introduces the reader to the topic to which the essay is dedicated, it should be a matter that is carefully addressed. 

Subi Ganbarova gave detailed information about one of the types of essays, “opinion essay”, and gave a presentation based on examples. After the presentation, the lecturers participating in the training prepared an essay on the given topic. 

The training continued with the discussion of the prepared essays.  

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