The 3rd training of the ”COP29 simulation” project was held at Azerbaijan University

The 3rd training of the ”COP29 simulation” project  was held at Azerbaijan University

03 april 2024

Baxış sayı: 623

The 3rd training of the “COP29 simulation” Project was organized at Azerbaijan University. Experts from Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan spoke in front of the Project participants in the hybrid training, which was jointly moderated by the Head of the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the Faculty of Humanities, PhD in Political Sciences Elvin Talyshinsky and the Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics Khanym Guliyeva.

Vice-rector of Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh.Dulaty of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Dr. of Economic Sciences, Professor Sholpan Yesimova noted that she is glad that the decision to hold COP29 in Azerbaijan was made and that our country is the first Turkic-speaking country in this respect. She informed about the policy of the government of Kazakhstan in the direction of eliminating a number of problems related to climate change occurring in the world.

Then Ali-Agha Ismayilzadeh, a lecturer of the Department of Economics and Management of Azerbaijan University, assoc. prof. of Azerbaijan State University of Economics, PhD in Economics, spoke before the Project participants. He explained the reason for the emergence of the green economy, and also gave detailed information about new areas of the green economy. According to Ali-Agha Ismayilzadeh, new fields require the formation of new skills and new knowledge. 

It should be noted that the “COP29 simulation” project with the participation of students from various higher education institutions is organized within the framework of Azerbaijan's hosting COP29 (the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 29) to the UNFCCC) and the “Year of solidarity for the sake of the Green world”. The purpose of the project is to transfer knowledge to students about the impact and consequences of political decisions of states on the environment and our planet, to develop their skills in public speaking, forming arguments and conducting debates, and to inform students about this international event. Trainings of the “COP29 simulation” project will continue in April and May.

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