Training on Modern Teaching Methods Was Held at Azerbaijan University

Training on Modern Teaching Methods Was Held at Azerbaijan University

18 april 2024

Baxış sayı: 396

A training on Modern Teaching Methods was held for teachers at Azerbaijan University. The training was led by Samir Salayev, the founder and Head of the Science Education Academy.

In the first part of the two-part training, the trainer provided supportive general information and made presentations on topics such as Curriculum; Strategy and Objective; Teaching Methods; Ways to Build Successful Training; and Work Formats. Attention was drawn to implementing various instructions and approaches for the successful education of students.

In the second part of the training, Samir Salayev discussed the fundamental principles of arranging active lessons at the international level, providing extensive information on Active Teaching Mechanisms, Facilitation Rules, the Role of Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience in Choosing the Effective Teaching Model, and the Active Lesson Arrangement Stages.

The training ended with topical discussions and answering questions.

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