Preliminary Defense of Sabina Mehraliyeva’s Thesis Was Arranged

Preliminary Defense of Sabina Mehraliyeva’s Thesis Was Arranged

30 april 2024

Baxış sayı: 425

The Department of Translation and Philology has held a preliminary defense of the thesis titled ‘The Metaphorical Function of Socio-Cultural Realities,’ submitted by Mehraliyeva Sabina Elchin for a PhD in Philology.

The submitted thesis was discussed at the session chaired by the Associate Professor of the Department of Translation and Philology, Laman Gasimli, and highly evaluated as completed scientific research. 

In conclusion, it was noted that the thesis adequately addressed the requirements set forth by the Supreme Attestation Commission for a PhD in Philology, and it was recommended for the next stage of defense.

The thesis advisor for the PhD candidate is PhD in Philology, Professor Chingiz Garasharli.

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