The 30th Graduation Day of Azerbaijan University was held

The 30th Graduation Day of Azerbaijan University was held

01 july 2024

Baxış sayı: 2142

Graduation Day for the 2023/2024 academic year of Azerbaijan University was held at the Badamdar Hotel and Residence.  During the official part of the event University rector Saadat Aliyeva, advisor to the rector, director of the International Magistrate and Doctoral Studies Center Nushaba Guliyeva, Faculty deans Safar Mammadov, Asif Pashayev, Khanym Guliyeva, lecturers Emil Mirzayev, Aygun Durur, Abbas Gurbanov gave congratulatory speeches and wished the graduates success. 

Diplomas of Honor by the rector of Azerbaijan University Saadat Aliyeva were presented to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place graduates of the faculties, as well as to the honored students of the Master's and MBA programs, the honored student of the University, as well as to the graduates distinguished by their social activity. 

Arzu Nusratova, a student of the Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies, graduated with first honors from Azerbaijan University with a GPA of 98.13. Arzu Nusratova posted her photo on the board “Pride of Azerbaijan University” and made a speech on behalf of the graduates.   

A group of first graduates of Azerbaijan University also attended the event. Ruhangiz Aliyeva, a lecturer of Azerbaijan University, spoke on behalf of the first graduates - graduates of 1995, and shared with the event participants the excitement and joy of being together with graduate friends after 30 years. 

The official part of the event concluded with the traditional caps throwing ceremony. 

In the artistic part, DJ Qafqaz and singer Shakir Mardanov performed on stage. 

It should be noted that 545 graduates, including 455 bachelor's and 90 master's students, are graduating from Azerbaijan University this year.

Graduates awarded with Rector's Certificate of Honor

Top student of the University 

Nusratova Arzu Zaur

Top students by faculties

Garajayeva Turana Imran (Faculty of Business and Economics) 

Nusratova Arzu Zaur (Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies)  

Mahmudova Emilya Ramil (Faculty of Humanities) 

Masters level top students

Heydarova Leyla Suleyman 

Gadirli Gadir Bahadur (MBA)

Runners-up by faculties

Mustafayeva Covhar Azad (Faculty of Business and Economics) 

Madatova Shirinkhanym Zahir (Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies)  

Gulmammadli Nigar Ilkin (Faculty of Humanities) 

Thirds by faculties

Mustafayeva Sevinj Azad (Faculty of Business and Economics) 

Alasgarli Mirvari Mahir (Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies) 

Nazarli Laman Vugar (Faculty of Humanities) 

Socially active students

Sadigova Sabina Mansur 

Mammadov Eldar Intigam 

Public Relations Department